Posted by Roger Sims on Apr 03, 2018
A bike shop is under construction in Tanzania to service the area surrounding Enaboishu by women operators who are skilled in renting and repairing bikes for fisherman and the public.  This is a joint project between the Rotary Clubs of Munster and Huntington, Indiana; globalbike and C-re-aid in Tanzania.
This bike shop construction is to aid the local economy by providing bikes for transportation for commerce - especially fisherman - and others that otherwise have no other means of transportation but walking.  The women operators are trained to rent and repair bikes.
Some of the capital funding comes from a Rotary District Grant from District 6540 to the Munster and Huntington Indiana Club plus funds from the clubs themselves.  globalbike are providing the bikes and funds and our partner in Tanzania, C-re-aid, is providing funds and oversight of the entire project. The shop is primarily for renting and maintenance.  Very few bikes will be stored there as they will out servicing customers.  The completion of the shop is expected around May 1, 2018.  Little training is needed as the women have already received the necessary training and have been working from their homes which has been less than satisfactory.  globalbike will increase the supply of bikes once the shop is complete.  ALL PHOTOS COURTESY OF C-re-AID.